Home Blog #AYearInFlowers Week 42
October 19th 2019

#AYearInFlowers Week 42

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Last week’s frost wiped out the garden and now all of the tender annual plants are brown mush. Here’s a bouquet I made with the last of the annuals I picked before the frost for #AYearInFlowers.

A year in Flowers Week 42

This centerpieces includes: garden roses, zinnias, flowering tobacco, cosmos, jewels of opar, yarrow, abelia and viburnum foliage.

The goal of the #AYearInFlowers project is to highlight and celebrate what’s growing or blooming in gardens across the globe each week.

How to participate in #AYearInFlowers

1) Capture.

Take a photo of flowers that currently are in season in your area, whether it is a fistful of flowers from your backyard or a bouquet from your local farmers market.

2) Post.

On Instagram, upload your photo and tag it with #AYearInFlowers

On Facebook, upload your photo as a comment under my weekly post.

3) Share.

In your photo caption, please share what flowers are featured (if you know them) along with your location. Bonus points for listing your USDA hardiness zone and week number (i.e. #week42flowers)

Here are a few submissions from this week 

Blooming in Bermuda:


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Dahlia tubers are sprouting! I dug these up 3 weeks ago after the hurricane demolished their foliage. I wanted to move them out of the farm row tunnel and into grow bags anyway. Some of the tubers have rotted since, but many are ready to be planted. Where there are multiple sprouts I will take cuttings off the tuber and put into a 7″ pot. Cuttings from a sprouting tuber that are cut with a small chunk of the tuber at the base do better than leafy end cuttings from a mature plant, however I’ve had quite a bit of success with propegatibg end cuttings here in our zone 11 climate this year. They seem to do better in larger pots than in 28 cell flats, probably because I get busy, neglect them, and the cells dry out more than anything. I’m starting to make more detailed notes of my dahlia experiments, what works and what doesn’t, keeping labels on tubers, etc. rather than winging it haphazardly. Life lesson? Probably. The last photo is a volunteer dahlia coming back to life in the farm row underneath the new crop of annuals I recently planted.

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Blooming in Iowa:

Blooming in Medford, Massachusets:

A note about week numbers: week numbers are commonly used in the floriculture industry and are standardized across the years. This is the 42nd week of the year.

By using the #week42flowers hashtag on Instagram, you can sort photos by what’s in bloom this week all around the world. In addition, week numbers allow you to compare what’s blooming in your own garden from year to year.

Next week, I’ll be posting my week 43 flowers to social media and also here on the blog along with a selection of other participants’ photos. If you’re participating on Instagram, please add the #week43flowers and #AYearInFlowers hashtags to your caption. Be sure to also include your zone and where you’re located in the caption.

Thanks for playing along!

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