Home Blog I’d love your help
June 16th 2015

I’d love your help

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IMG_7553After many weeks of focused intensity, I’m finally settling in for a little stretch of quiet time to reflect and regroup. I can only go so long at that pace before I start to lose my center and the why behind this all starts to fade into one giant to-do list. Last week, after a particularly trying day, I ended up sitting on the floor in the kitchen, crying to Chris about needing some space to recharge. So, this weekend we’re running away to the woods for some much needed family time. No phones, no computers, no work.

Elora’s last day of school was Friday and we are all so excited to finally pick her up from Grandma’s house for a little reconnecting time. Having her live in the city for the last 9 months has been a pretty big adjustment for us all. She has totally thrived in her new school environment and it has been incredible to watch her transform into a more confident, more dynamic version of herself. While she’s only an hour away, it is still so strange to only see her on weekends and school holidays. I can’t believe that my “baby” is going to be a sophomore next year!

IMG_7603 During this window of downtime, the team and I are also going to be plotting out the next chapter of our little flower farm’s future. I’ve got a lot of ideas about ways I want to grow Floret that will ultimately benefit you. After trying just about everything under the sun these past years, it has become very, very clear what I love doing, what the team loves doing and what we feel best aligns with our mission here at Floret. Education, sharing, beauty and connection are all at the top of our list.

IMG_7565But before we head into new uncharted territory, I’d love to get your feedback so that I can make sure we’re on the right track going forward. Last year when I asked for your thoughts on the Floret book, the outpouring was amazing and helped me know exactly what to include and focus on in its pages. I won’t lie, writing this book has been harder than I expected but with your generous feedback, it’s growing into something quite special.

IMG_7619 (1)Everyday that I sit in front of the computer, I picture you and put my very best intentions into every single paragraph I write. The photos are incredible and hopefully everything I’m writing will help you grow and arrange flowers with a greater deal of success. Even though it fells like a lifetime already, we still have another stretch to go before the book will be in your hands. I can promise though, the wait will be worth it!

IMG_7521Now as we step in a new direction once again, I really want to know what flower-related resources, information and inspiration YOU need and want the most. I want to be sure our efforts are going to good use and your feedback is priceless. So, if you would take a few minutes and weigh in on this survey, I would so greatly appreciate it!

Take the Floret survey —> HERE.

By completing the survey, you’ll have the option to submit your name to enter to win a Floret digital Growing Guide or a packet of scabiosa mix zinnia seed.  My little way of saying thanks for so generously sharing your time and insights.

There are a lot of great things in the works to support the seasonal flower movement–and with your survey responses, they’ll be even greater. Thanks so much for your help!


  1. Gina on

    I love all the “Flower Focus” posts! Very helpful for beginner flower farmers like myself. I’d love a Flower Focus on Narcissus, and other flowers that need to be ordered and planted in Fall – it’s coming up quick!

  2. geis on

    I love this color

  3. Melvin@online florist delivery on

    It seem wonderful post, i like all the appearance in this and most of the flowers which is so amazing with green grass. Thanks.

  4. Rara on

    Hi Erin,
    Thank you very much for your great inspiration today, After I read your story here I felt that I need some space for a moment to take my thought collected again and feel more peace at mind.
    Once again thanks for your story here, I really love it and I hope I can do some escape too as soon as possible.

  5. LindaQ on

    Hi there,
    I grow cut flowers with a group of young girls (middle & high schoolers) just for fun and for them to make bouquets to sell at farmers markets. We started innocently enough two years ago with zinnias, ageratum, cosmos & salvia but now we are growing over 40 different varieties thanks to your inspiration! At the end of the season I ask the girls if they want to do it again the following year and their overwhelming response is YES!

    • Jennifer Flowers Logan on

      What a wonderful idea for outreach! I’ve been wondering how I can use my new business to get more involved with youth and there is an answer! Bring in some teenage girls. A 4-H project maybe? Thanks for mentioning it :)

  6. Stephanie walls on

    Completed the survey and can’t wait for your book! My eyes have a hard time with staring at a screen for so long. I cant help myself but to get lost in your beautiful pictures and words of inspiration. :)

  7. Caz Owens on

    Hello Erin, well I’ve finished the Small Business Management Course, registered the new business ‘Organica Floret’, and after 8 years of hard work from home garden acres to full production farm gardens. You may notice I have Floret in the name in recognition of you, my inspiration!!!!The survey was easy and I look forward to the next step and forward always ? I hope you enjoy the break away you deserve it!!!!? caz

  8. marzy on

    I took the survey and that was a very good business idea on your part. Just a note of interest for you is that I had tried numerous times to buy seeds from you but you were sold out. So for your ongoing floral business growth more seeds! I LOVE YOUR WEBSITE.

  9. Sherree on

    Beautiful photos as usual. I must ask what is the flower? They are gorgeous. Thank you so much for all your sharing.

  10. charlene Boxx on

    just to let you know Erin, I think it’s wonderful that you are giving others a chance to enjoy flowers like you do! I have been doing flowers for a long time and I’ve learned a great deal from you!!! Congrats from me to all of your success I really don’t know how you do it . Growing longer stems is quite an art! Just get some guts and cut! Hope your success continues to blossom! I know it will! Glad you are getting a chance to rest!

  11. annette on

    Hi, the survey worked for me! Very excited to see you evolve :-) exciting times :-)

  12. Dani Graham on

    I completed the Survey! Looking forward to seeing what you eventually come up with! =)

  13. Lynn Payne on

    I quickly completed it on my phone with the link on instagram with no problems – I’m planning on taking it again to add comments tonight, which I didn’t have time for while I’m at work.

  14. Linda Wong Garl on

    Thank you…survey works….and once again very inspirational! Survey made me think about me and my own goals/purpose and future…Thank you for your continued inspiration. Please know that taking care of yourself and family and nurturing your own soul/garden is just as important or more so as you nurture ours….thank you!

  15. Susan Crawford on

    I completed the survey early this morning with no issues.

  16. Lillian-Marie on

    I’m not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but the survey is malfunctioning. It just keeps sending me in circles. If I answer a section and hit Next, it sends me back to the beginning, but if I just hit next without clicking answers, it will push me forward. Been trying for awhile now.

    • Lauren on

      You’re not the only one–I’m having the same issue!

    • Floret on

      Hmmmm. That’s so weird. It seems to be working on our end. Can you try it again? THANK YOU so much for your patience and thoughtful feedback!

  17. Shelley Yoshiwara on

    You’re such an inspiration! This week I’m selling my first little bouquets to our little organic market!! I don’t have nearly the variety here in hot Redding , Ca but I’m giving it a little go and we can make this 1 acre into a bigger flower patch if need be. I admire and love following you and your team!!


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