Home Blog Narcissus
April 6th 2011


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Last fall we plant a huge patch of fragrant Narcissus and they have just begun to really hit their stride. I am exceedingly aware that every crop I’ve written about lately has been deemed a favorite but it seems that everything is more magical in the spring! And these potent beauties are no exception!


In between torrential downpours I have been dashing out and harvesting buckets of their heady blooms. Pure heaven!



Designers are clamoring for them since the local wholesalers are mainly carrying the massive,cheap, garish, King Alfred variety. While in the same family, it’s hard to see the relation!



When we are on a time crunch or when nightfall is just around the corner, I round up the fam and have them help get the crop in .

Bunch running” as we call it, is a highly rewarded job (think treats!) and is a favorite with  the kids.

Being all in one spot is a real treat. There’s nothing better than fresh air,  family time and the thoughtful conversations that take place while we’re getting chores done .

Jasper’s attention span often wanes early in the process but Elora is a real trooper and sticks with the project until the end. Not only is she wonderfully gentle and particular when packing the buckets but she’s also a total hoot.


We’ve still got to watch the little guy because he’s more focused on speed than precision. ;)


  1. growingflowers on

    Looking at those beautiful photos of you and your family outside on the farm makes me miss those moments – I am excited to begin our raised beds soon – but gosh all of your growing is so beautiful and inspiring. I love reading your blog….

  2. webb on

    Jane and I would be having fisticuffs! They are lovely. One of the nicest things about have a garden – or a flower farm – is that one is allowed to love each new type of flower as the "best". That's part of the reward for all the hard work!

  3. Susie on

    Love those Geranium! My favorite!

  4. flwrjane on

    If only I was within buying distance of you and Belinda, I'd buy them all.

    heavenly, wonderful, springy things.

    xo jane

  5. anastasia on

    i would clamor for those too! i think i can smell them through the computer screen. :)

  6. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    So great they all muck in and help out when needed, treats or not!

    I am growing scented narcissi too, silver bells, geranium, thalia and a gorgeous double I forget the name of (pretty sure it is in your buckets, the plain creamy coloured one, do you have the name?). I adore them, and I was never a huge daffs fan before. I need to find some buyers fast!


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