Home Blog Favorites
March 1st 2011


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Since we are still a ways off from spring and I am so craving a little flower bounty right now, as I imagine you might be too, I thought I’d share a few of my absolute favorite flower crops we grow here on the farm.


I’ve already gone into great detail over sweet peas here and here and my favorite frilly snapdragon collection the Chantilly’s here. But there are so many more glorious treats to show you!


Since they are one of the first crops to bloom in the spring and also one of the prettiest, how about we start with Ranunculus?


I often refer to them as the Rose of the Spring. So full, romantic, and abundant. I have many brides mistake them for Garden Roses and Peonies in photos :)


While the bunches I’ve purchased from our local wholesaler typically last 4-6 days and often have very soft stems and never fully open, fresh from the garden blooms can surpass 2 weeks in the vase with ease! It’s mind boggling how such a delicate flower can last so long if sourced locally and conditioned right.

While able to grow outdoors in mild climates like ours, we opt to tuck the plants in an unheated greenhouse. The added protection and warmth from the greenhouse environment gets plants flowering earlier and helps to maintain high bloom quality by keeping the incessant spring rains off of their delicate heads.

While I have grown both Victoria and Gigi mixes, in my opinion neither hold a candle to the La Belle collection.

With over 20 colors to choose, super long stems and consistently full blooms it’s impossible to not over spend and over plant these beauties!

The most incredible time in the garden is when 4 of the most stunning (Ranunculus, Peonies, Garden Roses, Sweet Peas) crops overlap for a brief window, allowing us to create the most exquisite bouquets of the entire year.


I always feel like such a badass during this floral peak since every bouquet looks smashing!!


If you can get your hands on some of these beauties this spring, I promise you won’t regret it!!!


Tomorrow….we’ll get into Garden Roses :)


  1. sarah on

    wow those are amazing! i want to live on your farm too! :)

  2. flwrjane on

    Whoa. This is a lot to take in at one sitting. I think I'll have to come again to fully savor every flower.

    I think you have hit all the high notes here. if you had thrown in a couple lily of the valley too I would have passed out.

    Extravagant words? I think not.

    xo Jane

  3. Floret Flowers on

    woody creek~ Ha, thanks ;)!

    Katherine, thank you :)

    Hannah,I think they may be perennial here (zone 7B)but we grow them as annuals. Greenhouse space is limited so we typically pull out the whole lot at the end of May and chuck them in the compost pile starting fresh again in the fall. Zone 4, you'll need to grow them inside for sure. Do you have a copy of The Flower Farmer? There should be lots of info on growing them in a colder climate such as yours.

  4. Hannah on

    Beautiful flowers and bouquets! your work is SO inspiring to me and my humble flower operation. Question about ranunculus: I'm assuming they are a perennial in your zone….do you know up to what zone they come back each year? could i plant them every fall if they weren't a perennial in my zone 4? or would i plant them in the spring. Also, any tricks to growing lisianthus? i just started mine yesterday after reading i probably should have started them 2 weeks ago. oops!

  5. Florist in the Forest on

    One word, stunning!
    I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight with the excitement over garden roses and I fear it will only get worse with what else you have in store for us this week.
    Your photos defintely help get me excited for the new season! My ranunculus are creeping up, but still not close to flowering even though they are under cover!

  6. Floret Flowers on

    Belinda, they should do just fine outside. We have a hoophouse so it was an easy choice.


    Adirondack, aren't they the best? Oh, you are going to die over the roses! I'm having trouble whittling down the photos.

  7. Adirondack Flower Farm on

    I love La Belle! Mine are growing in the hoophouse and I can hardly wait for them to bloom.

    Your arrangements are amazing! Im excited to read about the garden roses. : )

  8. Emerson Merrick on

    I'm running out of creative ways to say how much I adore your work. That pink bouquet??? NO WORDS.

  9. Belinda @ Wild Acre on

    I almost want to whoop or dance this tuesday morning – so much beauty at 9am with my mornng coffee!! Ranunculus are one of my absolute favourites, I am trying to grow a few outside this year, but I am interested to hear you grow them in a greenhouse because I feared I was being a little optimistic!

    The combinations in your bouquets are beyond words, so full of enchantment. I wonder if you feel more an artist or farmer? Both for sure, and a huge inspiration for newbies like me. Thanks for sharing these photos.


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