Home Blog Building A Worm Bin
November 28th 2010

Building A Worm Bin

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The guys have been talking about revamping the old worm bin for months. After a season full of to-do lists and chores they finally got their break this weekend. A whole Sunday to do whatever they pleased!

The rusty old bathtub pictured below was pawned off on us a few years back by a well meaning neighbor. Being the neighborhood catchall we end up with some pretty strange items! Many make their way to the thrift store but sometimes we can incorporate them into a farm project.

Worm castings are incredible in the garden! I have been dreaming of having a large enough supply to inoculate all of our seedling potting soil for years. This spring we are going to have some very, very happy plants!!!

It was no easy task hauling this cast iron monster out of its old home. ughhh!

Chris sawing apart the kids old bed frame to use for a drain field.


After dismantling the frame he re welded it to fit the bathtub floor.

Sanding off the paint so his spot welds will hold.

Welding on the wire mesh which should help prevent the worms and scraps from falling through and plugging up the drain field.

It fits! Now time to add plenty of worm bedding and food. Shredded paper is an ideal carbon source .


The boys heading out to find worms.


This pile of aged horse manure was loaded with Red Wigglers. Yeah!


Jasper was so excited to find these little guys!

Working quickly before the sun went down they loaded up a wheelbarrow with manure, partially decomposed sawdust and lots of worms.

The bathtub was then placed onto a scrap wood platform.


A few days worth of kitchen scraps ready to be devoured by our new friends :)
+ you can make a worm bin out of just about anything. I’ve seen them in a Rubbermaid tub, wooden box, rain barrel, bathtub etc. For lots of great info on starting a worm bin, check out Worms Eat My Garbage by Mary Appelhof

1 Comment

  1. Samantha on

    I have two bathtubs which where going to have another purpose which is now not needed. I love how pretty they are and will definitely be doing this. Thanks for the great idea


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