Home Blog The end is in sight
October 9th 2013

The end is in sight

Written by

Erin Benzakein Floret dahlia field

Oh my goodness, where do I even start?

A month, a month is way too long to stay away from this blog. I’ve sorely missed it here but haven’t had the head space, or heart space to really dig in and share in a way that felt authentic but not too dark.

When I’m exhausted and overwhelmed, it can be easy to slip into negativity and that’s not at all what I want to be putting out into the world.


But if I am to be totally honest without getting too tangled up in the story, this past month was pretty darn hellish.

The long excruciating finish to an epic 8 month marathon, that felt like it would never end. But just as fast as it all hit mock speed, we’ve come to a slow coast and the finish line is so very near.


So far, no frost, even though I’ve whispered tiny prayers under my breath everyday for its early arrival.

But the rain and the wind have pretty much taken care of our field flowers. The zinnias have melted down into a rotten mess, the statice is toast, the rudabeckia is flattened, the bells of ireland are riddled with disease and the birds have finally found the blown open sunflowers that didn’t make the cut.

Now all that’s left are the dahlias and a few odds and ends in the shrub borders.



This years dahlia crop is certainly one for the record books. We hustled in April and got all 3,500 tubers in on time, plus the weather was spectacular all summer, our soil improvements worked and we were rewarded with our best crop to date.

This little darling dahlia named ‘Appleblossom’ is one of the first varieties I ever planted and still sits my favorites list.



Now that the pressure of harvest has almost passed, we’re shifting gears into clean-up mode and getting ready for next spring.

Sweet peas are being sown in pots to get an early jump, biennials have been tucked into the field, icelandic poppies are nestled into the greenhouse, ranunculus are coming back to life and the anemones are waking up as well.


As one cycle completes, the other begins.

Erin Benzakein dahlias

While I’m tired and feeling ready to close out this chapter, I know the morning that the first frost blackens the patch, I’ll shed some tears over the loss of all of this beauty and start missing them all over again.


So for now, I’m going to try my hardest to be in this very moment and soak up every last drop of goodness and magic that the garden has to offer.

For any day now, it will all just be a memory.


Hope you’re getting a chance to do the same.


  1. ak on

    wow! your farm certainly looks like the place I want to be! The pictures are spectacular!!!

  2. Mike on

    Love your blog, very inspirational and the images are amazing you have a great photographer there! looking forward to the summer again so I can get some good images and get our own blog going.

  3. fedorukville on

    Hi Erin. Great site. Where do you get your dahlia tubers?

    • Floret on

      Swan Island Dahlias is a favorite source!

  4. Geis on

    wonderful garden :)

  5. Ellielai on

    So amazing photos and words ,thank you .now I’m full of postive energy .

  6. Hedgerow Rose on

    Your photos knock my socks off. Love following your IG feed and getting the whole story over here, too. Thank you for sharing! ♥

  7. A Garden of Threads on

    Wonderful and truthful. I too will miss the last of my flowers, it is as if part of me is missing.

  8. Yelena on

    You are an inspiration to all. Thank you for the wonderful post!

  9. nurul on

    wonderful garden & fresh flowers. i’m so admire with your blog coz i’m one of the flower & garden lover.

  10. Caitlin@Our Natural Heritage on

    Congratulations on getting through which seemed liked a most EPIC summer ! :)

    And thank you for the introduction to those sweet little appleblossom dahlias!

  11. Cenya Eichengreen on

    Find a winter hobby that replenishes you – maybe even something that you can sell – I do beadwork. Gardening is much like school was when we were little. We were so excited to start every year and so happy when it was over.

  12. kelly on

    Everything about this post was pure beauty!

  13. laurie on

    I am so inspired by you, Erin. I never admired dahlias really until I saw yours. I’m mourning the end of the season here in Maine too. But embracing it as well. You’ve earned your rest. Enjoy it!

  14. Caitlin on

    Love those bright colours… Your flowers make me yearn for the days when I have my own space to garden.
    Just FYI when I open your bog in Bloglovin’ the first photo is always pushed all the way to the right into your sidebar. Not sure why but its the only blog that does this for me.

    Enjoy those last few days in the sunshine!

  15. Barbara on

    Erin, your gorgeous flowers, your incredible work ethic,
    your amazing family – it inspires us all. Success is the sweeter for knowing the hard work that produces it; enjoy your well earned rest!

  16. Rosie Wren on

    For the love of flowers, it never fails to keep us going. Thank you for such inspiration and honesty x

  17. Kris P on

    I can imagine the intensity and pure hard work that goes into planting, maintaining, cutting, preparation and delivery of your beautiful flowers. You deserve some down time. Thanks for adding such beauty to the world.

  18. Jessica Nichols on

    Thank you for your hard work and the stunning beauty you put into the world. I shared your Facebook page on my profile yesterday, this is something I rarely do, but I really want everyone to know about you and your amazing flower farm.

  19. Cindy Creps on

    How lovely, you summed up my feelings exactly. This is a wild, exciting, exhausting way to make a living and I wouldn’t do anything else!

  20. Holme Flowers uk on

    Hardwork pays off. What a lovely blog to share. As always your sole, literally, is poured out, all exposed for us to get a tiny glimpse into your amazing life. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Sweetpea on

    Ohhh, how I adore this blog. And right now I want to say Thank You for such an honest post. It’s like that out here, tough to be true to what’s going on when what’s REALLY going on needs to remain private. Beautifully said – all of it. May this winding-down-time be fruitful and hold its own glory for you.


  22. jen on

    Its crazy, CRAZY, how much alike you and my dad are. Genes are undeniable, like it or not. I’m really proud of you sis, you’re pretty amazing.

  23. Kim M on

    What an awesome job to deal with such beauty everyday, even when it is soooo much work!! I wish you were close enough I could help and learn from y’all!!! You’re posts are lovely so keep them coming when you feel you can! Thanks for what you do!! This world can ALWAYS benefit from flowers!!!

  24. Jen on

    Such beautiful heartfelt words and pictures. What you are doing is such hard work, I can’t imagine. I can imagine the joy your flowers bring to so many.

  25. Dani on

    Love this post! That dahlia bouquet is to die for!

  26. melissa on

    thank you for that honesty. i’m right there with you!!

  27. Christa on

    What a nice way to express your feeling and what beautiful flowers you have. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Sarah on

    Beautiful and thoughtful as always.

    Your gardens and flowers are stunning…I would love to spend a day following around, soaking in all that beauty.

    Cherish today and give yourself a big pat on the back…spring will come around before you know it.

    xo Sarah

  29. Corina on

    I am breathing out with you, sweetie!

  30. Lisa A on

    What a lovely post. Thank you.


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