Home Blog Introducing Floret Seeds
January 12th 2016

Introducing Floret Seeds

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IMG_8438Today’s the day! It’s the day I’ve been dreaming about and thinking about and obsessing about for many months now:  the official launch of Floret’s new line of specialty flower seeds.

Today we’re marking the “official” launch of Floret Seeds. I kinda wish I had a pair of those giant scissors so we could have a ribbon cutting ceremony. Instead, I guess I’ll have to settle for a little celebratory dance here in my office before heading out to seed headquarters to help.

As I shared yesterday, there is a lot of love that has been invested in each and every little packet of Floret Seeds.  Today, I wanted to share a few other details about what makes our seeds, dahlias and other Floret Shop offerings so special.

Floret_Snapdragon_Madame Butterfly Mix-5Tried and true performers:  All the flowers in the Floret Shop are ones that I personally grow and love.  We’re not selling anything that I haven’t tried and trialed and tested–re-tested and given the thumbs up on. I’ve grown a lot of flowers over the years and not all of the varieties made the cut. The ones that did are considered my tried and true favorites that perform consistently well and come in the prettiest, most coveted colors.

Ability to sort by color:  Looking for flowers that complement the Pantone Colors of the year, Rose Quartz & Serenity or perhaps another specific color palette?  Find lots of great options by utilizing the Search by Color tool in the Floret Shop.   I love utilizing ombre shades of color in my floral designs and this handy little search option allows you to view flowers that combine and complement one another beautifully.

Custom color blends:  We took some of the prettiest hues to create custom color blends you won’t find anywhere else, such as  the Globe Amaranth Pastel Mix which combines white, rose, soft pink and pale lilac (all the best wedding colors) and the Love in a Mist Starry Night mix which includes a blend of my favorites including ‘Delft Blue,’ ‘Midnight’ and ‘African Bride’ which produce lavender dusted, royal blue and white blooms, all with spidery black centers.

Floret_How To Grow Dahlias-1Unusual varieties & colors: We scoured the globe trying to find flower seeds in the most coveted colors, so you’re not going to find many (if any) of these at big box store or neighborhood garden center.  Be sure to check out the pale blush scabiosa (pincushion flower), and the peachy-apricot foxglove that flowers the first year from seed.

Certified organic dahlias:  We’re one of the few sources of certified organic dahlias in the country.  All our dahlia tubers come from our very own stock and we can email you a copy of our OG certificate upon request.  We hand select the healthiest tubers and carefully hand-divide each and every tuber we sell.

High quality photos:  Our love of photographing flowers is a close second to our love of growing them.  These are not stock photos purchased from a foreign website–every single photo represents a flower we grew and photographed ourselves. Chris and I spent hours in the field and studio capturing the natural beauty of each and every one of the flowers featured in the Floret Shop.

Detailed growing info:  Details such as the number of days to maturity and when to pinch back plants in order encourage branching and lots of blooms are key pieces of information that a lot of seed companies skip.  As a grower, I know and appreciate how useful these little bits of info are, that’s why I compiled, then condensed years of field notes to include vital info not only on the packets, but also on the product descriptions on the site for easy reference.

Expanded resources:  In addition to the info included on the packets and in the Shop, we also recently expanded the Resources section of the Floret website which is chock full of my best growing tips, plus great photo tutorials on how to make the most of your Floret Seeds and flowers.

seed2Harvesting and vase life tips:  As a farmer-florist, growing great flowers is just one of many steps in creating beautiful bouquets. Knowing the proper stage in which to harvest the flowers and how to hold and condition flowers to maximize the vase life are also critically important.  I include all my best harvesting and vase life tips in product descriptions and on the packets, so you can spend more time enjoying your flowers and less time scouring forums and obscure websites trying to track down this key information.

I’m so, so, SO excited to finally introduce this special little seed line to you and flower fans across the country.

Thank you for your encouragement, enthusiasm and steadfast support as we embarked on this wonderful new venture.  I hope you’ll join me in cultivating beauty with seasonal flowers this year!



  1. Walt Kelly on

    I ordered your book thru Barnes and Noble approximately a couple weeks ago , will I also receive the free planning kit?

    • Susan King on

      Thanks so much for your pre-order of Erin’s beautiful new book, Walt! To claim the free bonus gift simply go to the Floret Book page: and scroll down to the area that says: “How to Claim Your Free Bonus Gift” and follow the instructions. Once you fill out the simple form, you’ll receive an email with the download.

      Enjoy the Planning Kit…and Happy Valentines Day! –Team Floret

  2. Corinne on

    CONGRATULATIONS FLORET and thank you for sharing so much beauty and inspiration with the world. Speaking of inspiration, I just got tons of inspiration from the Kaisers of Singing Frog Farm–husband and wife farmer powerhouses from Sonoma County, CA at the NOFA -MASS winter conference…their results using no-till are out of this world! both for their pocket books, their sanity, and best of all, combatting climate change. They focus on veg, and I’m wondering what will happen when I use these techniques on my flowers at my new farm in New York. Everyone should check out some of Paul Kaiser’s talks on you tube. Farmers really can change/save the world.

  3. Liesbeth on

    Congratulations! I understand your seedline is a hugh succes. Here back in holland we cannot order, so I understand. A pity!
    I have a question about the snapdragons chantilly. If I find seeds somewhere else will I be able to get seed myself or do I need to buy again next year?
    Thank you in advance!

  4. Melody on

    This is amazing. Inspiration, growing info and the goods to purchase all in one place. You and your team are unbelievable. I just placed my orders elsewhere but I’m so tempted with so many of your offerings:)

  5. online on

    I dont know what should i say but this is really nice. I like the 3rd picture.

  6. Killoran on

    First: Congratulations on such a successful launch!
    Second: Thank you! I placed my order within minutes of getting the email (I got a treat – wahoo!), deciding to ship them to my mum in the US to have her send them here. Then I saw on Instagram that you worked out shipping for seeds to Canada! So I placed a second order — I really should have just went for it and put it all in the one order – take advantage that generous discount! I have been genuinely surprised in starting up my little flower operation at just how difficult it is to find seeds in Canada.. and even more difficult to find interesting ones suitable for cutting! Bananas!
    Third: BIG ups to Jill. I know she had to respond to at least four emails from me alone. I can only imagine she had a whole whack of other emails to respond to and she was super lovely and speedy!

  7. Margaret Thorson on

    I noticed that several of the sweet pea varieties are already sold out. Will you have more seed of those coming in or is that it for the year? We’ve placed our order but would order again to get those varieties.

  8. crawford on

    Thank you so much Erin for helping newbies like me with your lovely tried & true flower and filler seeds! It is so challenging to search for and make decisions about which seeds to buy. You have taken the stress out of my first year as a seasonal flower farmer! Can’t wait to start planting the first seeds in my little sun room!

  9. Ti on

    Congratulations Erin and family! I have followed you google-eyed for years! BEE-utiful and stunning! How I would love to see your place… but alas, the pics have taken me there. Best wishes for budding and bountiful blessings for years to come!!!

  10. Kate on

    So excited to try Dahlias in our renovated garden in Littleton Colorado! My order is placed. There is nothing as exciting as growing flowers you have loved for years!

  11. kimberly on

    HI Erin,
    I went to order your dahlias and most are out of stock! Only two hours into ordering. Will you be restocking?

    • Amber Ogden on

      I am curious as well if dahlias will be restocked? ?!!

  12. Eustacia on

    Congratulations on a dream come true for you and for all of us! Love the delicate custom color blends and all the vase life tips. (I am/was one of those scouring searchers you mentioned.) Floret truly has the perfect blance of art and science with a tremendous generosity of spirit.

  13. DoLee Spurgeon on

    I live in an area of the Sacramento Valley in California and our soil is pure clay, so I grow most things in pots, except for sweetpeas. I am anxious to see what recommendations you may have for me and my neighbors to plant. Can hardly wait to try your sweetpeas. Already have mine planted for this year, but the stems on yours are to be coveted. Will you have a catalogue available?

  14. Lynn on

    Congratulations Erin!!
    I’m so excited and thankful you made this opportunity possible – I can hardly wait for the time to start planting (yeah, I kind of went a little insane ordering) – it was just too good and tempting!! My new beds will be CRAMMED with Floret dahlias and seeds!! You and your team put together a wonderful, beautiful offering in your shop – thank you for all your hard work, imagination and generosity, it so totally shows :)


    Super congrats Erin!
    It is all so gorgeously laid out! Thank you for all the intricate detail and time you put into the wealth of growing and harvesting information.

    So, so grateful for you, all the Floret team and the abundance of your generosity in sharing all things floral!

    Cheers, Jen

  16. Brother Placidus Lee OSB on

    So excited! I have a list of things I want to try out this year in our flower gardens….I will be putting an order in within the next week!

  17. rachelcostenbader on

    Congratulations! I just placed my order at 9 a.m. sharp :0) So looking forward to growing some Floret seeds! I hope they like it down here in Olympia, WA I just wish that I had the same gorgeous soil that you have up their in the Skagit Valley! Cheers!

  18. Natalie Lacy Lange on

    Congratulations on your new seed line! I look forward to buying some of your seeds and enjoying the blooms! Your work always brightens my day.

    • Mary Robledo on

      Congratulations!! What exciting news! Thank you for helping and encouraging small flower farmers. Your kind and generous spirit will produce many beautiful blooms.

      Warmest regards,

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