Home Blog A sneak peek at what’s next
March 2nd 2016

A sneak peek at what’s next

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IMG_8494Monday’s Leap Day marked the end of February and brought to a close our special blog “blizzard.” Whew, what a month! I hope you found our flurry of growing-related posts useful and informative.

*If you haven’t already voted for the Better Homes and Gardens’ Blogger Awards today, I’d love to have your vote.*

The goal of the February blog blizzard was to load you up with lots of information and tips to help you grow a bountiful, beautiful garden this season. Readers asked a ton of follow-up questions and we’re setting aside some special time this week to go back through and answer many of your queries as possible. The level of commenting far exceeded our expectations and we quickly fell behind on responding. You guys are amazing and please, stay tuned for answers!

IMG_8435We will continue to post flower-related information and inspiration in this space, but know the pace will definitely slow down a bit, since our growing season is beginning to ramp up.  There are still a ton of ideas for future posts in the hopper and I can’t wait to share them with you.

For example, tomorrow I’ll be posting a review and giveaway of Ariella Chezar’s new book, The Flower Workshop, so be sure to check back on that. In the coming weeks, I also plan to revamp the Flower Focus series, highlighting some tools of the trade, plus dive into some wedding floral-related topics.  There will be lots of pretty posts to come, I promise!

IMG_8748Over the weekend, the Floret team and I locked ourselves in my dining room to put our heads together for some serious strategizing, plotting and power planning. During the three long days, we consumed massive quantities of coffee and chocolate while we dreamed and schemed ideas for the future of Floret. Our little mind hive was littered with post-it notes, notebooks, planners, books, maps, calendars (all the way into 2018!) and toys as baby Felix crawled (and even toddled!) around at our feet.

It was an exciting, exhilarating and exhausting process which left our minds feeling like applesauce. We’ve got so many wonderful things in store for the future of this little flower company and I can’t wait to share more about them soon. Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback, enthuastic support (and votes).


  1. Barbara Ayers, Waverly School Farm on

    I have thoroughly enjoyed every word of the February blog blizzard, and I’m excited that the Flower Focus series will continue. I have read the earlier entries over and over, such a valuable reference.

  2. Kate on

    Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us! I’ve been voting every day and REALLY hope you win. On a side note, my Floret shop Dusty Miller, Iceland poppies and snapdragons have all sprouted, and I can’t wait to see them in my garden!

  3. Terri Bowlby-Chiasson on

    I loved every bit of the information you shared with us in February…and ordered more seeds! haha!
    I am a little envious of your Floret Team…it is so nice to be able to brainstorm with like-minded people who are as passionate as you are about growing Flowers…and so, we will have a small gathering of Flower Farmers/Designers here in Windsor, Nova Scotia on March 13…
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do!! Happy growing!

    • Megan on

      Don’t worry Terri, I’ll help you brainstorm! :)

  4. Shelley Yoshiwara on

    As always thank you for the wealth of information you have and continue to share!! Can’t wait to see what the future holds!!

  5. James on

    Sometimes it seems that words like “Thank You” seem to be lost, in the value of ALL that you offered to us in the month of February.

    What a JOY to be able to experience such value and so freely given and shared with the all of us. We are all truly blessed to have you to share your insights and your trials and tribulations.

    I am so in awe of all that you do, your knowledge is something that I think we all hope to aspire to.
    What an incredible adventure “February Blitz” was, each and every article filled to bursting with great content and information. I feel so lucky to have stumbled upon this fantastic blog.

    I keep voting everyday….You (Floret) certainly deserve to WIN!
    It has truly been a pleasure!

  6. Carolyn Thompson - Willow & Mabel Garden Co. on

    I have loved all of your blogs – thank goodness they sit on your web site for two reasons 1. I can go back and refresh my memory & secondly I have not had chance to read all of them – and they all contain such wonderful information to this new flower farmer. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge. Can’t wait for the workshop in May!

  7. drea on

    Awesome! I’ll have to spend my spare time going back over past comments! I loved the blog blizzard, and can’t wait to hear more good stuff! You are so generous with your precious time.. Thanks again, Team Floret!

  8. JAN on

    Your blog blizzard was so inspiring! Thank you so much for your selfless sharing and unbelievable knowledge on all things flower! I sponged up every little bit and I can’t wait for my seeds to start sprouting! Happy Spring!

  9. JoAnne on

    I’ve love all of you February posts! Thank you again for sharing your experience and knowledge. I look forward to you answering the readers questions because I had some of the same ones. ;)

    P.S. I vote every day for you!

    • Floret on

      Thanks so much for your votes, JoAnne! Stay tuned for more answers!

  10. Jen on

    Always so helpful and inspiring! Also, FELIX IS WALKING? Oh good grief!

  11. Linda Q on

    Wow, your Spring flowers are breathtaking! My daffodils are just starting to poke out of the ground here in Connecticut. I started some seeds this past weekend based on the information in your blog blizzard and also from the book, Cool Flowers- earliest ever for me! The phrase “Lights, Camera, Action!” popped into my head as I turned on the grow lights and heat mats, got my camera ready to take pictures and pulled out of my seed starting tools and supplies and sprung into action!

  12. Danielle on

    As a new flower farmer, I’ve greatly appreciated the wealth of information and beautiful photography you’ve posted! Many of the decisions made for our first season were based off of advice gleaned from your site. Thank you for all of your hard work :)

  13. Irma on

    Thanks for the blog blizzard! All the info given was very timely and helpful as I venture into the world of growing a cutting garden featuring mostly Floret seeds. ? from Manitoba, Canada!

    • Angela on

      Hi Irma I wonder how many flower growers there are here on the Canadian prairies (I’m in Saskatchewan) good luck with your seeds will be interesting to see what grows well in our climate

    • Megan on

      There could be more than you would think! There is a Canadian Fresh Flower Grower group on Facebook, it numbers 91 right now. Go check it out!

  14. Lynn on

    Thank you so much for the “blizzard”, every bit of it hit the spot for knowledge I was looking for!! Your generosity is invaluable. I can hardly wait for what’s coming next – dying for your book later this year!

  15. Lindsey on

    So excited to see what the future holds for you guys! Thanks again for the blog ‘Blizzard’ all the information is amazing!!


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