Home Blog The Seasonal Flower Alliance { September 4 }
September 7th 2014

The Seasonal Flower Alliance { September 4 }

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Looking back I’m noticing a trend in this series. Lots and lots of references to the weather.

This week was a doozy. Sideways rain, full on hail and gale force winds. The storm that barreled through our little valley only lasted for a few hours but the damage it left in its wake was devastating. It took two full days to comb through and deadhead, re-stake, and discover the few salvageable flowers in the dahlia patch. Our last planting of sunflowers was completely flattened. A total loss.

The experience left me wanting to throw in the towel on farming (I don’t have the stomach for that sort of thing) but I know it’s par for the course. So after a little emotional meltdown I got out the greenhouse catalog and started scheming up some new additions to our fleet.


Despite the mid week weather drama, the sun returned and the garden is quickly bouncing back. This bouquet was made for a sweet foodie inspired wedding and it’s one of my favorites so far this season. Maybe because it’s proof that beauty can be discovered and salvage no matter the circumstances.

Bouquet includes: hops, raspberry and rose foliage, dahlias, tomatoes, ‘Caramel Antike’ roses, hydrangeas and rose hips.

If you’d like to join in the project, simply make up a bouquet using seasonal flowers, snap a photo, post it somewhere on the internet and then leave a link to it in the comments section here. If you’re on Instagram, you can use/search the hashtag #seasonalfloweralliance for even more flowery goodness all over the world.


  1. Kathleen on

    You Inspire Me … <3
    Find my "Wild" Miniatures on Insta ! @Gypsybleuflorals

  2. Tammy on

    I’m sorry to hear about the storm. I love the color and flower bouquet. I think you did a very lovely job and I know it takes a lot of work. Love it!

  3. Hedgerow Rose on

    Yup, I would have had me a good ol’ fashioned emotional meltdown, too. I really don’t know how you do it–but I’m so glad you do because you’ve been such an inspiration to so many. Here’s to an easy-breezy fall…and can’t wait to see what you come up with by way of new greenhouses!

  4. Sophie on

    Oh I feel for you! So sorry to hear about the storm damage… The arrangement is beautiful and inspiring as always! The roses are beautiful….I know how busy you are but if you ever get the time could you do a post on your favourite roses? Would love to read it! Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing the highs, lows and the beauty!!

  5. Mel on

    I saw the comment on your instagram feed about the storm and felt sad for you all having to salvage and re-do work. But you made a beauty anyway! That’s spirit for you.

    Here’s my vase-full.

    Hope this week is kinder on the farm weather wise.


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